
Cziana Kayleen Castro

I can't believe I am finally holding my baby girl! It all started monday the 2nd, i started having contractions at 1:30pm they were pretty regular but the pain stayed the same. I decided to sleep it off because i had a dotors appointment on tuesday the 3rd. I was not comfortable at all the whole night, i barely got any sleep. So tuesday morning i feel restless so i make Jayden and I some pancakes to eat for breakfast. We get ready to go out. I meet up with some friends and we go to party city to buy decorations for Jayden's birthday party for the 4th. So i start having some contractions again, but this time i feel tingling in my fingers with a bit of nausea. So i finally get to the doctor and they check my blood pressure and its pretty high, so my doctor decides to direct me to labor & delivery so i can get monitored. So my husband drops me off at the hospital so he can drop Jayden off at his mom's. So I get admitted and they check if Iam dialated, and I am 1cm. I get told that they will recheck me in 2 hours to see if theres any progress, if there isn't i get to go home. Well no more than 20mins pass by that another nurse comes in to put in an IV, then she casually asks if I am excited that i am having a c-section at 8? I am like WHAT!? I ask her to make sure, and sure enough they schedule me at that time, it is 6:50pm so I frantically start calling Mike. Cziana Kayleen was born February 3rd at 8:30pm, she weighed 6lbs 2oz and measured 17in. She looks just like her big brother Jayden. He seems excited with his little sister, but we will see how things go. I am so happy to finally be able to meet my little girl, i feel like my little family is complete.

Thanks for reading if you made it this far.


._. said...

awww beautiful <3 congrats mama


Gina said...

Look at all that HAIR!! CONGRATS!

Casey said...

She is beautiful! Congrats, girl.

Amanda Lee said...

i thought i had you beat! lol both went earli but you beat me! i had jeaven on the 15th
congrats on ur lil girl shes beautiful

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